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December / January 2010 The Editors Letter Christmas is now just around the corner and how many of you are ready? Well I certainly am not. Ill be rushing around the last week before trying to get everything I need. Every year I say to myself ill be more organized but there always seems to be something else to do! I always worry in case I forget something but normally I’m ok and have everything I need. Anyway the shops only close for a couple of days so why we bulk buy for Christmas is beyond me. The build up to Christmas is my favorite bit. Such as taking my children to our yearly visit to see Santa at Baytree (there are other splendid grottos around). Then putting the tree up and getting the kids to decorate it and of course putting the lights outside. I think it’s lovely to walk around the village at dusk with the little one to see all the houses that have been decorated with twinkling lights outside. Then comes the week before where I do all the baking you can see me covered in flour from head to foot. Of course the turkey comes out of the freezer 3 days before. I don’t never whether to cook it or put a saddle on it and ride it back to the farm. There it sits defrosting in the kitchen cos’ I can’t get it in the fridge! The wrapping of presents is great fun but where can you hide them? I buy them while the kids are out rushing to get them wrapped only to find I can’t get them in the wardrobe to hide. Christmas Eve arrives and I normally prepare the veg for the Christmas dinner I don’t mind preparing the carrots etc but who else detests peeling the sprouts? But however I do enjoy sprouts on my dinner plate. But goodness me come the afternoon ill be walking around the garden for some fresh air. If you get my drift. I love it and wouldn’t change a thing! I would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a great new year. Catrina. A Christmas message from Greetings……so, the mad scramble is on for Christmas presents, food and decorations. They’ve been in the shops since early October along with all the advertising that tries to persuade us that we need more and better than ever before. It is a wonderful season of the year, when we bring colour, fun and celebration into the shortened days and dark, cold evenings. It certainly brings out the child-like qualities in me and I look forward to this Christmas as I discover what it will be like in my new home. I have enjoyed all the new things and new people since I moved here in September and have so appreciated the wonderful welcome I have received as I have begun my new work as Minister at the Methodist Chapel in Kirton (I also am Minister at Fosdyke, Swineshead and at Zion Methodist Church in Boston). Christmas falls just as we pass the winter solstice and there is the promise of gradually lengthening days. Christmas brings light into the darkness in a very special way. Christmas is first and fore most the birthday celebrations for our Saviour Jesus. That can get lost in amongst everything else, however the rest is important, for Jesus would want us to celebrate our relationships with family and friends. He would want us to share presents that show our love for each other and the value we put on that love through our generosity of gifts and hospitality. That little baby, born in the humblest of circumstances, would be the greatest gift of all, for Jesus died in a very painful way to set us free from the constraints and expectations of this world. The two go together, the joy and celebration of His birth, together with the pain and suffering of His death. There are two things we can be sure of, that we will be born and we will die – what we do with the time in between is up to us. Jesus showed us the best way of doing that, through his love for humankind recorded in the gospels, in stories of patience and compassion, hard lessons and miracles. The best present we can give ourselves is to take time out to read those stories and learn from them. So, how about treating yourself to a discovery that could change your life? I did, and it is the best thing I ever did! In the love of Christ have a great time this Christmas.
Saint Nicholas - a brief history St. Nicholas was born in 280 AD, in Patara, a city of Lycia, in Asia Minor. He became the gift giver of Myra. His gifts were given late at night, so that the gift giver’s identity would remain a secret. St Nicholas was eventually named the patron saint of children, sailors, Russia and Greece. St. Nicholas was a Christian priest, who later became a bishop. He was a rich person, and traveled the country helping people, giving gifts of money and other presents. St. Nicholas did not like to be seen when he gave away presents, so the children of the day were told to go to sleep quickly or he would not come! Nothing has changed and Santa Claus will not arrive this Christmas unless the children go to sleep early.
Christians believed in one god and one god alone, so their conscience would not allow them to obey the Emperor’s order. Angered by their stubbornness, Diocletian warnd the Christians that they would be imprisoned. The Emperor carried out the threat and St Nicholas who resisted too was also imprisoned. For more than five years, St Nicholas was confined to a small cell. He suffered from cold, hunger, and thirst, but he never wavered in his beliefs. In 313, when Diocletian resigned, and Constantine came to power Nicholas was released, and he returned to his post as Bishop of Myra. He continued his good works and became even wiser and more understanding by the time of his death on December 6, 343. In the eyes of the Catholics, a saint is someone who has lived such a holy life that, after dying and going to heaven, he or she is still able to help people on earth. They often become patron to different groups of people - one such was children and many legends sprang up to explain his presence. By 450, churches in Asia Minor and Greece were being named in honor of him. By 800, he was officially recognized as the a saint by the Eastern Catholic Church. In the 1200s, December sixth began to be celebrated as Bishop Nicholas Day in France. In the 1500s people in England stopped worshipping St Nicholas and favored more another gift giving figure Father Christmas. Over the centuries, St. Nicholas’ popularity grew, and many people in Europe made up new stories that showed his concern for children. The name Santa Claus was derived from the Dutch Sinter Klass pronunciation of St. Nicholas. Early Dutch settlers in New York (once called New Amsterdam) brought their traditions of St Nicholas. As children from other countries tried to pronounce Sinter Klass, this soon became Santa Klass, which was settled as Santa Claus. The old bishop’s cloak with mitre, jewelled gloves and crozier were soon replaced with his red suit and clothing seen in other modern images.
A little bit of history about Kirton Kirton was the third largest settlement in Lincolnshire during the reign of Elizabeth I. Plagues, floods and riots have taken their toll of Kirton through the years with disease wiping out 10% of the population in 1590 and floods necessitating the raising of the sea bank in 1820 and the building of a second defence further inland some years later. Until the mid 17th century livestock dominated local farming but the Enclosures Act saw changes which so incensed those who kept geese on the marshes that rioting took place, men were killed, animals poisoned and farm buildings fired. Once the initial anger was over, future generations of Kirton people benefited from the more habitable and profitable land which was produced. The church of St Peter and St Paul which dominates the centre of Kirton has 13th century origins. Originally it was of cruciform design and extremely large. But in 1804 architect William Hayward used gun- powder to blow up much of the dilapidated building. The transepts were destroyed, the chancel and nave were shortened and a new tower was built at the west end. Formed in 1870 and one of the oldest in the country, Kirton Town Brass Band has played at all major events including fetes and festivals, sports days, coronations and jubilees. The band played while 1,600 sat down to tea on the village green to mark Queen Victoria’s Jubilee in 1897 and in the 1960s its prowess was such that it reached the final stages of national competition in London. A new primary school opened in 1975, while the secondary school, renamed the Middlecott School, and reminds one that Sir Thomas Middlecott established a grammar school in Kirton in 1624 which continued, albeit with something of a cheque red career, until 1919. William Dennis was the benefactor of the town hall and the founder of a huge potato family business. He was born in 1841 and supplied all the potatoes eaten at a dinner for the poor of London to mark King Edward VII’s coronation. When William lay dying in 1924 the streets outside his Kirton home was covered with straw to deaden any noise.
Letters to the Editor Dear Catrina, I was very sad to read the letter sent in by Mr Terry Pitts with regard to broken glass in doors and windows, which had taken place leaving a terrible mess for someone to clean up at the scout charity shop along station road. I would also like to comment on an incident which took place on the 22nd of August at Kirton church. There was a meeting taking place in church when many loud bangs echoed through the church and the sound of broken glass, going outside to investigate, there was a small group of young people throwing conkers at the east window of the church then they were seen throwing up at the chestnut tree with a crate for more conkers. Ladies in the church felt threatened and the police were informed who quickly attended the church grounds, one person was questioned others scampered away on their cycles, the police took the conkers that had come through the window along with a crate. There was glass scattered all over the main alter and sanctuary floor. The cost of replacing the colored glass and the figures within the glass panels will cost two to three thousand pounds to replace. It was very thoughtful of those mindless people to damage a place of worship. However we were informed that an arrest would be made, only now to be recently informed by the police that one person had been interviewed and they were unable to trace the escaping youths, but because we could not identify any particular person throwing the conkers though all of them were there’s no case to answer by the offending people. Which is mind boggling. It makes me wonder if we had approached these people direct what the consequences may have been. I agree with Mr Pitts final comments, hoping that this pricks the conscience of those involved even though they weren’t drunk, it only leaves us with large holes in very special windows a lot of hard work and cost. PCC Secretary - Kirton Church Robin Hood The Beacon Church, Wyberton is pleased to announce the return of “Saltmine Theatre Company” to Kirton. All who attended last years Christmas Show “An Angel’s Delight” will be happy to know they are returning this January with a performance of their pantomime “Robin Hood”. It is on for one night only on Saturday 16 January 2010 at Middlecott School Hall, Kirton, and starts at 6.30pm. Prices are: Adults £3, Children (under 16 years) £1. Further details are available on 01205 359280 or 01205 356987. Now in its third year of touring Robin Hood is a pantomime suitable for 4 years olds to 94 year olds! King Richard is away. The sheriff of Nottingham is angry. The people are starving and Robin Hood has stolen a reindeer!! An act punishable by death, Robin is forced into the forest where he and his band of trusty followers must steal to survive. Can Robin endure the winter? Can the sheriff catch up with Robin and where is King Richard anyway? It looks like it is going to be a sad sorry Christmas in Sherwood this year unless somebody does something! Never fear...with Robin Hood on the case, it should still be a merry Christmas, merry men!
Kirton Kids ClubWhat a wonderful half term! Conkers AND Halloween – the children could not believe their luck! Big shiny conkers do seem to have an amazing attraction to small children – and I think the children at the club must have had their fair share this year. ‘How many can you fit into your pockets or school reading bag’ seemed to have been the order of the day. Luckily the conker season has passed – I can hear parents all over letting out a sigh of relief. Halloween did not pass without us all making our ‘Jacko lanterns’. Some children were a bit squeamish about scooping out the flesh with their hands but spoons worked for some and others got the help of their playmates. The club looked lovely with a sea of orange pumpkins – some with smiley faces and some with sad ones – but the children were all excited about taking theirs home. The outside tables and benches look so much better after their refurbishment – many thanks go to Mr Feakins and Mr Medlock for all their help with these. Our best news of all though – and yes it is wonderful news – is that we had an excellent Ofsted inspection and gained ‘good in all areas’ from our inspector! I never know exactly when we will get inspected, only that we had one three years ago and they usually run in three-year cycles. With all the new EYFS standards coming into place I wont lie and say I haven’t had a few sleepless nights thinking about it but -all staff and children need a big ‘pat on the back’ for such a wonderful result and I can say I am very proud of our achievement! Now we are back after the half term break and looking forward to the run up to Christmas and all that glitter! The club is open for breakfast club – 7.30am to school and after school to 5.45pm each day the school is open. We will also be open next year for February half term holidays – the first week of Easter and the last three weeks of the summer holidays (dates to be confirmed). Holiday sessions run from 8.30am to 3.30pm and offer children a wide range of not just sports activities – but also many arts and crafts, trips, outings and play! For more information please phone 722426 in club times or pop in and have a look around for yourself – bring the children they can have a play while you look around!
The Mothers UnionOur meeting this month is on Wednesday 16th at 2.00pm at Elsie Johnson’s home in King Our meeting this month is on Wednesday 16th at 2.00pm in the home of Elsie Johnson in King Street. This will be the AGM postponed from November and will be followed by a time of readings and reflections for Advent. The afternoon will finish with tea/coffee and mincepies. May I wish you all a very joyous Christmas and every blessing in the New Year, when we shall look forward to welcoming our new vicar and his wife to our parish. Helen Airey
The Christmas Tree Festival at the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Kirton starts on Saturday 5th December with a grand opening by Mark Simmonds MP at 10am and ends on Sunday 13th December with the Christingle Service at 3pm. During the festival the church will be open daily from 10am – 4pm and refreshments will be available daily. There will also be a raffle and Christmas Stall. Come along and see the many beautifully-decorated Christmas trees!
Congratulations to Morgan Gilberthorpe in year 2 from Kirton primary school who won this months competition to have his picture on the front cover of the magazine. We had a lot of fantastic entries again this month well done to all of you that took part. Catrina
A new Appoinment The PCC of Kirton Church are pleased to announce that Father Gary Morgan has been appointed as Priest in Charge of Kirton Parish Church, along with Algarkirk and Fosdyke Parish Churches. Father Gary and his wife hope to move into the Kirton Vicarage early January 2010, and he will be licensed as Priest in Charge in Kirton Parish Church on the 21st of January 2010 at 7.00pm. Anyone wishing to attend the service to meet the new Vicar and his wife will be made welcome.
Can you help? We at Kirton news have had a wonderful donation from an Arthur Almond Birch. Sadly Mr. Birch passed away recently and left Kirton news £1000 from his estate. We on the committee would like to know more about Mr. Birch.
Fashion Show Lincs Fashions will be holding a Fashion Show on Friday 4th December 09 so snap up a bargain! Chainstore clothing and clearance fashion sale. Clothes range from smart to casual (sizes 8 to 24), all garments perfect, many brand names at bargain prices, all items sold and paid for on the night. Tea & coffee. Raffle. For further information and tickets contact 07880 716121. Door, refreshments & raffle proceeds to Lincs. Ark (Animal welfare). www.lincsark.co.uk. Starts 7.30 pm (doors open 7.00 pm). Tickets £2.50 each on the door. Butterwick Village Hall, Church Road , Butterwick, Near Boston, Lincolnshire.
Frampton Village Hall We have some vacancies now on Monday Tuesday and Friday evenings for regular bookings. Please ring Len Foster for details on 01205 722081.
Frampton PlaygroupIt has certainly been a long time since you have heard from us and I send my apologies for that. There have been a few changes since the last update. Many children have moved up to their respective sc hools and we have had continuous new starters. I would like to welcome all the children that started in September. All have settled in really well and are enjoying the numerous activities we have on offer. We take children from the age of 2yrs and 3yr olds get funding from the government so their places are free. If you would like more information on days and times or you wish to take a look around please contact the manageress on 07939 266154 All of the staff have gained more qualification ranging from NVQ level, and been on workshops to expand on their knowledge of childcare and development. Children are catered for by their own key worker, organizing activities that will interest them. Such as making cakes, collarging, painting and outdoor play. The children have also taken part in a sponsored scavenger hunt to raise so much needed funds, as we are a non profit making organisation. We are in the process of trying to sort our Christmas raffle which will be drawn during our Christmas celebration week. At present we are looking for donations of raffle prizes. So far we have a round of golf for 4 people courtesy of Boston West Golf Club. A free comprehensive eye examination from Molsom Optometrists in Donington, a free half hour pampering from Steve Stitch at HT Holistic Healthcare and many more. If you feel you could donate a prize no matter how small please get in contact on any of the numbers below. Here’s hoping you have a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
Traditional English Christmas Cake Recipe This is a recipe for old fashioned Christmas fruit cake to make in advance. In England, the Christmas cake began as a Twelfth Night cake, Twelfth Night being on 5th January and marking the end of the Christmas season. Twelfth Night was a great celebration and often the local priest would visit and bless the houses, and would be invited to take a piece of this cake. After the Reformation this religious tradition died out, but enterprising bakers, no doubt seeing a gap in the market and missing their lost revenue , revived the cake, decorating it with Christmas scenes. So, Twelfth Night cake became Christmas cake! Traditional Christmas cakes were made in advance, usually no later than November. The cake would be kept upside down in an airtight tin. Every week a small amount of brandy, sherry or whisky would be ‘fed’ into holes in the cake, until Christmas. Ingredients: Method: Line a 20 cm/8 inch diameter round cake tin or an 18 cm/7 inch square tin with greased, grease-proof paper. Prepare a cool oven, Gas 2, 300°F, 150°C. Beat the eggs. Cream butter and sugar in a large bowl. Sift flour and mixed spice in a separate bowl. Add soaked fruit and ground almonds. Mix well together. Add spoonfuls of egg then flour mixture to bowl of creamed ingredients. Mix well at each addition until all is thoroughly mixed. Put mixture into prepared tin. To protect the cake from browning on the outside before the middle is cooked, wrap a double thickness of brown paper or newspaper round outside of the tin. It should stand up a good 5 cm/2 inches above the tin. Tie it on with string. Bake the cake for 3 to 4 hours, until it is firm and the fruit stops ‘singing’ or ‘hissing’. Remove cake from the tin and place on a cooling wire. When cold, store in an air-tight tin and let it mature as long as possible (at least 3 months). It will keep for a year. The whole cake can then be covered with Almond Paste and Royal Icing, if desired, although a plain traditional Christmas cake is sometimes preferred.
Christmas Mulled Wine The perfect Christmas drink! One whiff of the smell of this heating up and you will know it is the holiday season! Ingredients: 2 bottles of red wine Directions:
Christmas on the dole Its Christmas so let us be merry The turkey lets take from the freezer Let’s bung those mince pies in the oven The hallway is decked up with holly And we cannot look into the future But its Christmas so let us be merry
Local PolicingAnti Social Behaviour There have been 12 reports on Anti Social Behaviour in Kirton for October. These have been: 5 reports of inconsiderate behaviour, 4 reports of vehicle nuisance, 1 report of inappropriate use of fireworks, 1 report of Shouting & Swearing and 1 report of throwing things. Following a report of a motorbike with no lights and rider with no helmet, a motorbike was seized and the rider of the motorbike was arrested. As the festive period is now fast approaching below is some advice to help prevent crime & to make sure that the festive period is enjoyed by all. 1) Always remember to lock everything away in the boot of your car. Remember it might not be valuable, but how does a potential thief know that? 2) Remember that thieves will be on the look out for presents so don’t leave these under the Christmas tree in view of windows. 3) If you are at home or you are away, remember to keep back doors locked and use your window locks. If anyone has any questions, queries or concerns, you can contact me at Kirton Police Station, Station Road, Kirton. Tel: 01205 722002 (not 24hrs) Or you can e-mail me at: BostonSouthRural@lincs.pnn.police.uk PCSO Adam Eden
The RegistersBaptisms - We welcome into God’s family:
Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:
Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:
DonationsThe magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations which are much appreciated:-
Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green), enclosed in an envelope.
Scouts & Cadets News
Wow….. and that’s not all: We took a coach load to see Walking With Dinosaurs at Sheffield Arena, Cubs went to the Eureka museum near Halifax, enjoyed an inflatable Planetarium at the Town Hall and Beavers have done, Beaver Bash, Beavers on the Beach, walks, talks, fun and games. This is as well as each section meeting each week during school term and participating in crafts, games both indoors and out, sometimes going off to Westgate woods to play in the dark, badge work, team work and lots more. In fact this year we have been so busy that we have had to leave some things out like the Night maze and the fireworks. We still have the Panto at Blackfriars to look forward to and Scouts are having a go on the climbing wall in Peterborough at the end of the month. We are taking part in the Christmas tree Festival at the Parish Church and will attend the District Carol Service held in early December. Scouts are bag packing at Sainsbury’s’ in Spalding on Saturday 5th December and we also have a jumble sale planned on Sunday 13th December at the Town Hall starting at 2pm so that the children get the chance to be involved in their own fundraising. They love it! We have about 30 Scouts and 32 Cubs and both have a waiting list. Beavers have about 15 on their list as many boys and girls have recently moved up to Cubs. So we do have space for new members in our youngest section. If you have a child age 6 – 8 years and feel they would like to join our group then get in touch. We do expect a certain amount of commitment from parents/carers in that they pay their Subs or membership fee of £2.50 each week and try to support as many activities as they can. Also to support the ethos of Scouting and the values we promote to enable their child to eventually become a valuable member of society and have fun and excitement along the way. Next year is our centenary year and we have lots of activities planned, including our big trip to France for a week at the end of August. We also hope to have a big Centenary camp in the village with a big shindig on the Saturday night. We hope members old and new will attend that! Trips to some of the big pleasure parks are planned…. Sssssshhhhh…. Secrets…. As well as parties, events, new neckers, special commemorative items including special badges for their camp blankets. Lastly I would like to remember Mrs. Ruth Smart who sadly passed earlier this year. Mrs. Smart was very involved in scouting especially through the shop and was a great supporter. It was her wish that half of the donations at her funeral where given to the Scout group. We have decided that we shall, in her memory, begin The Ruth Smart Award for Outstanding Achievement. This will be in the form of a platter that will be kept at the Youth Centre on display. Each year leaders will nominate a child or children that they feel have been outstanding in something, courage, behavior, commitment, charity work or similar and the names will be voted on. The child chosen will have his or her name engraved on the platter and receive a small award to keep at home. Our thanks and condolences are passed on to the Smart family. Lesley Lanfranco - Group Scout Leader |